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FEBRUARY 2, 2009

6:30PM          Memorial Hall

Present:        Chairman David White, Kimberly Ferguson, James Jumonville (arrived 7PM), Kenneth O’Brien

Absent: Joseph Sullivan

Others Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Assistant Town Manager, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Chairman White opened the meeting at 6:30PM.  The Board participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Chairman announced the absence of Sel. Sullivan due to a prior commitment and that Sel. Jumonville would arrive to the meeting late.

Selectmen Appointments

The Manager explained that there were currently no appointments for the Board to appoint.  The Manager announced that John Giordano had withdrawn his application to the Historic District Commission.  The Manager announced that candidate Steven D’Aquila, a second applicant for reappointment to the Historic District, was unable to make an interview session with the Board.  The interview will be rescheduled for a later date.

Senator Harriet Chandler

Senator Chandler provided an update regarding the Commonwealth’s economic crises.  She said that the state government is in year one of a predicted 3-year crisis.  The Governor enacted his 9C privilege to make cuts to the State budget.  He most recently cut 9.74% from each municipality across the State.  However, Chapter 70 aid was not reduced for FY09.  The Governor announced that Chapter 70 FY10 aid will be level funded.  Senator Chandler explained that the cuts are only the beginning of the budget process.  The House and Senate are in totally uncharted waters as to where the budget will finish in terms of revenues and expenditures.  Senator Chandler said she would keep Selectmen apprised of further fiscal developments.

Senator Chandler announced that she and Sen. Michael Moore would hold a Town Hall forum to debate and discuss the current State and National fiscal crises on March 3, 2009 at 7:30PM at South High School.  Town officials will receive a written invitation to the forum.

Sel. Ferguson commented that any State assistance for ice storm reimbursement/relief is appreciated.  Senator Chandler read a letter announcing disaster forums being held in Holyoke on February 4th and Framingham on February 6th by MEMA in the very near future.  The meetings will provide an overview on how to complete the application for reimbursement process.

Sel. O’Brien inquired if large non-profit property owners could apply for State reimbursement assistance.  Senator Chandler said she was unsure and deferred to the Manager.  The Manager reported that these organizations should have filed at the first filing opportunity in order to get into the cue for reimbursement.

Sel. O’Brien inquired about a possible candy/alcohol/soda sales tax decision by the Governor.  Senator Chandler said that she felt this would be a revenue tool for local communities to use.  The State is trying to find ways to help local communities generate revenue.  However, the passage of this sales tax is dependent upon what House and Senate can pass.  Sel. O’Brien thanked Senator Chandler for opposing the recent increases at the tolls on the Mass Turnpike.  Senator Chandler said these increases were an unfair taxation to users on the east/west axis.  Senator Chandler informed the Selectmen that the House and Senate were going to begin debate again on the Casino gambling issue.  She added that nationwide, Casino’s are also suffering during this financial crisis.  

Sel. Jumonville joined the meeting at 7PM.

Sel. Ferguson commented that families and individuals are taxed out and cannot afford more taxes.  Senator Chandler agreed, saying that the State must make reforms before increasing taxes.  However, the State must find more money from some source.  The House and Senate are waiting to see what President Obama’s Economic Stimulus Package will bring.  

Chairman White suggested that the House and Senate reform the prevailing wage law, which is archaic and grossly outdated.  Additionally, the Municipal State Tax on fuel needs to be repealed.  Senator Chandler said she thought that the Senate was going to sponsor the bill again.  She agreed that managing expenses does not necessarily mean cutting jobs.

Senator Chandler will email a draft of the Governor’s Budget to Assistant Town Manager Kelly for the Board’s review.

Help at HOME Donation – Davis Hill School PTA

Members of the Davis Hill Elementary School PTA and students from the school presented the Town with a $1,439 donation to the Welcome Aldrich/Help at H.O.M.E. fund.  The donation was fundraised through a Turkey Trot race that the students ran in November 2008.

Citizens’ Address

Mr. Everett Mason, Chapin Road, informed the Board that he has inventoried the Grove and St. Mary’s Cemeteries.  He said he would like to start a Friends of the Holden Cemetery Committee.  The first meeting will be held on February 12, 2009 at 7PM at the Senior Center to discuss long range plans for the Cemetery.  Sel. O’Brien offered the assistance from other Boy Scouts in Town towards any future plans.  Further information will be posted on the Town Website.  The Board thanked Mr. Mason for his efforts to document this portion of Holden’s history.

Ms. Margaret Watson shared a collective unhappiness among citizen’s of Holden regarding the high utility bills received in January after the December 2008 Ice Storm.  The January bill included two months of billing cycles.  She requested that an official letter of explanation be included in the next utility cycle.

Selectmen Subcommittees

Sel. Ferguson: AHC: Has not met.
Sel. O’Brien: EDC: Next meeting:
Water/Sewer: The Committee met on January 29th.  However, only two members attended the meeting.  Since a quorum was not achieved, the Committee could not conduct business.  No further meeting dates have been set.  Sel. O’Brien suggested that the Board move forward regarding decisions on capital projects based on the input from DPW Director Shuris.  
Sel. White: PSBC: Next meeting: February 4, 2009.
Sel. Jumonville: Memorial Day Committee: Next meeting: February 3rd at 7PM.

Town Manager’s Miscellaneous

The Manager reminded the Board that an open letter from the Selectmen to residents regarding the 2008 Ice Storm would be sent during the first week of February.  The Manager said that he has conducted several debriefings with Administrative and Light Department Staff regarding the outcome of the storm.  The Manager said he would share a synopsis of the debriefings after the budget and FEMA processes are complete.  He said that the 60-day timeframe on the FEMA clock began on 1/28/09.  Sel. Ferguson suggested that the Board, acting as Light Commissioners, meet on a separate evening to discuss their concerns, and then hold a meeting for the general public.  Sel. White said he would like to hold these meetings during the month of February.  He requested that Sel. Ferguson coordinate the effort to conduct the two meetings with the Administration.  Sel. O’Brien requested that any meetings that take place between the Board and town residents do not occur during the February vacation period.
The Manager announced that State Senator Harriet Chandler held office hours on Monday, February 2, 2009 at 5:30 in Town Hall.
The Manager informed the Board that according to Gale Free Library Director, Jane Dutton, overdue fines collected during the month of February would be donated to the Help at HOME fund.  The Library Board of Trustees voted to donate no more than $500 of the fines.
The Manager read into record a Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for the Massachusetts Preservations Project Fund Round XV with the Massachusetts Historical Commission.


The Board reviewed a preliminary Net School Spending Contributions spreadsheet.
The Manager announced that the Friends of the Council on Aging would hold its Annual Valentine Cookie Sale on Friday February 13th at 9AM until the cookies are gone.

Water/Sewer Update

Mr. Jim Shuris, DPW Director addressed the Board.  He announced that, to date, the DPW staff has battled 19 snow events and one ice storm.  He thanked his dedicated crew for their hard, unending work for the Town.  

Mr. Shuris said that the Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund was the toughest of his responsibilities to report on.  72% of the W/S budget is fixed costs.  Payments to the Upper Blackstone have increased from 88K to almost 500K in the last 4 years.  As residents are conserving more water, the town’s purchase of water from Worcester has decreased.  The real estate market is slow and is not generating sewer and water connection fees, so revenue is off.  These decreases in revenue coupled with a 3% increase in rates from Worcester have created a projected FY2009 deficit of 128K-138K.  Mr. Shuris stressed the need for the DPW to plan better for the future and put money away for capital projects/deficits.

The Board reviewed a memo from Mr. Shuris regarding the FY09 DPW – Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund.  Mr. Shuris said it was his job to produce the highest quality of water at the lowest price.  He recommended the Board consider implementing a surcharge of $1.50-2.50/month per household to make up the deficit.  He suggested a graduated rate structure to favor lower water users.   He said he was currently putting in motion a plan to separate the water and sewer accounts.  Further updates will be available during the budget process this spring.  

Lori Rose, Town Accountant, addressed the Board.  She explained that the financial picture for the Water/Sewer budget would not improve by the end of the year.  A deficit two years in a row will mean that if there is a deficit in the third year, it must be taken from Free Cash.  She said that any surcharge to cover the deficit this year would need to be made soon.  The Manager said he would report back to the Board at the February 17th meeting.  He added that he was currently in the process of re-evaluating over-expended accounts including snow, veterans, unreimbursed portions of the ice storm, and the water/sewer enterprise fund.  This will allow the Administration to put together a FY09 supplement from town funds and a proposed FY10 rate increase.  

The Chairman commented that however the deficit is overcome, the taxpayers would ultimately be paying for it.  He said he was upset and frustrated that the meter on West Mountain Street has not been repaired to date.  The Town has been aware of the need to repair this meter for almost a year.  The Town is losing revenue and water sales to the City of Worcester because of this problem.  He said that he would not vote to raise rates again until he is comfortable with the information that he is given.

Sel. Ferguson commented on the need to reduce the town’s reliance on water from the City of Worcester.  She asked that the Administration not lose sight of this long-term problem.  If user usage is down, shouldn’t billing from Worcester be down too?  Mr. Shuris agreed that there is an urgent need to redevelop the town’s well fields: the wells are not producing like they should.  He added that a pump test would be performed at the ECC site on 2/5/09.  He agreed that the water meter at the West Mountain site was not working properly and would be replaced when the snow melts.

Sel. Miscellaneous

Sel. O’Brien: 1. Expressed a concern from contractor Rick Sampson regarding the HMLD costs for setting pole extensions on residential properties.  The Manager said that the Town has a policy that outlines the costs for setting poles.  The Manager said that after the most recent ice storm, he recommended that the applicant install underground utilities.  The HMLD is currently developing an underground utility policy for the Light Commissioners to review.
Sel. Jumonville: 1. Nothing to report.
Sel. White: 1. Nothing to report.
Sel. Ferguson: 1. Requested that the Board schedule discussion of the MMA Conference at the next meeting.
2. Discussed a letter from a resident who expressed concern about the rising costs of cable services.  The Manager confirmed that other cable options (Verizon) are not available at this time.

Follow-Up to Citizens’ Address

The Manager offered that a flier had been sent home to residents in order to provide an explanation regarding the expanded HMLD bills. The bills were not estimated; customers were only billed for the electricity they used.  HMLD customers cannot be billed for something they didn’t use.

Approval of Previous Minutes

Motion by Sel. Ferguson, seconded by Sel. Jumonville, it was VOTED 4-0 TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 20, 2009 AS PRESENTED.


Motion by Sel. Ferguson, seconded by Sel. Jumonville, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE FEBRUARY 2, 2009 MEETING AT 8:36PM.

Approved:       February 17, 2009